Thoughts After Four Days of Dressing Your Truth

1. I am done with solid black except as an accent. I know I look good in black, but I don't particularly like to wear it, especially during the spring/summer. White, you will be my friend -- this is going to mean a lot of laundry, as I can't keep white clean.
2. I can't just wear silver jewelry. I'm a jewelry collector, and I feel deprived not being able to wear everything I have.
3. Even though I'm quite sure I'm a 4, I can't do stiff. Those elements of the other four types I have I have to the max. The only type 2 in me is the comfort level of my clothing, but I feel very strongly about it. My clothes MUST be comfortable. Starchy stiff is not comfortable. I thought I was going to lose my mind the day I wore a stiff white shirt (and now I know why I've had it hanging in my closet all this time not worn). I'll stick with silk (the sheen is good, right?) and stay away from stiff.
4. I separated my type 4 clothes from all my other clothes, and almost everything else I owned was a type 3. My closet is pretty much evenly split. I pulled my paltry pile of mostly type 2 into a pile for the DI and interested neighbors. I noticed that these are the clothes that I never wear, even though I think they are very pretty.
5. Is it possible to be split right down the middle? There's no way I'm getting rid of any of my type 3 clothes, as I love all of them. I may just alternate dressing type 3 and type 4.
6. The Dressing Your Truth Store I visited on Thursday was a bit of a scary experience. There were way too many type 2 ladies in there to make it comfortable for me -- I felt like I was at the circus in a way. The clothes themselves are not too great as far as quality goes -- perhaps even worse than F21 and Old Navy. The sizing is made for juniors. I would not purchase any of the jewelry as it looked very cheap.

Ideas for outfits for next week:
I think this tweed could work as it is a stark black and white.
The tweed seen up close.
I feel like this is fairly monochromatic and bold without black.
This is a softer black. I'm not 100% sure how the lace on lace will look, but I'm willing to give it a try.
Even though polka dots are not type 4, I think this could work. It's bold and very symmetrical.


  1. How long have you been Dressing. Your Truth?.....I have had fun looking through your file if outfits....this is a fun idea to keep track of your wardrobe.

    1. I've been trying for about 2 weeks now. I've always been drawn to bright colors, though.
