Pantone Colors for Spring

Rose Quartz and Serenity are the colors of the year according to one source. I'm liking the Snorkel Blue and the Buttercup.

December 14 - 20, 2015

I'm obsessed with her earring. I want one!

November 30 - December 6, 2015

This was a crazy week. I went in for a mammogram on Tuesday, was at school from 7 AM to 10 PM on Wednesday, and I've been picking up and driving a friend whose car broke down, so that has added an extra 10 minutes onto my commute every day. To make things worse, I had a call back from the hospital after my mammogram saying that they need me to come back for a closer look. Plus all the students at my school are acting like hyper bunnies because it's that awkward three weeks between Christmas and Thanksgiving. So....I've tried to dress nicer just to make up for the craziness.

November 23 - 29, 2015

This was a short week as far as work goes -- I was only there Monday and Tuesday. Our Thanksgiving celebration was small and at our home -- we did break out the nice china, though, which was fun.